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PROGRAM: dpQWSync for e-automate - Configuration

Table of Contents
QW\EA - Sync Configuration
QW\EA - Sync Configuration
  1. Window's Start/Program Files/Hogan Data/DataPlus 4.0/QWSync Configuration
  2. DataPlus Server Settings
  3. Default setting from prior setup
  4. DataPlusCredential Settings
    Windows Authentication
  5. User: sa SQL or Windows user name
  6. Password: password user name password
  7. Integrated Security
  8. Check Integrated Security
  9. Misc Settings
  10. Sync EA Contacts: Check if you want to sync e-automate customer contact to QuoteWerks
  11. Timeout: 5 change time if needed
  12. Optional: Click on More >>
QW\EA - Sync Configuration
    Sync Settings
  1. Optional: Only Active: Check or UnCheck
  2. Optional: Include Imported: Check or UnCheck
  3. Inventory Item Settings
  4. Optional: Click Edit Line-Item Mappings
QW\EA - Sync Configuration
    Quote Line-Item Mapping
    Line Mapping
  1. Mapping (Sample)
  2. Vendor
    1. Konica
    2. Konica
    3. Konica

    4. Sharp, Inc.
    5. Sharp, Inc.
    6. Sharp, Inc.
    e-automate Field
    1. CategoryCode
    2. Description
    3. Item

    4. CategoryCode
    5. Description
    6. Item
    e-automate Value
    1. QuoteWerks
    2. Blank
    3. Blank

    4. Blank
    5. Blank
    6. Blank
    Dynamic QuoteWerks Field
    1. Blank
    2. Description
    3. VendorPartNumber

    4. CustomText01
    5. Description
    6. VendorPartNumber
  3. Close
QW\EA - Sync Configuration
    Sync Settings
  1. Save All
  2. Close
Sync EA Contacts
Sync EA Contacts
  1. Check Sync EA Contacts
  2. Click on Save
  3. Close

Sync EA Contacts
    Edit Contacts
  1. Open QuoteWerks and create new quote
  2. From toolbar click on Contacts
  3. Click on Edit
  4. Choose contact
  5. Edit Contact / Account
  6. ID: = QW ID
  7. Account Number: = EA Customer Number
  8. Accounting Cust ID: = EA ContactID
  9. eautomate push
  10. Accounting Cust ID field is used to push quote to EA.
Sync EA Items & Contacts
Sync EA Items & Contacts
    32bit Machine
  1. In Windows Explorer, Browse to C:\Program Files\Hogan Data\dpQWSync Server
  2. 64bit Machine
  3. In Windows Explorer, Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Hogan Data\dpQWSync Server
  4. Microsoft Task Scheduler
  5. Open Microsoft Task Scheduler
  6. We recommend creating a new folder: DataPlus
  7. Create scheduled task in DataPlus folder to run the Sync-QWS (TSD-64BIT).bat batch file
  8. This should be run daily in the evening.

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