Knowledge Base
PROGRAM: DataPlus QuickBooks - Server Installation

Table of Contents
What you need prior to installation?
32 Bit OS Operating Systems
  1. Create MS SQL Server or MS SQL Express 32 bit instance
    1. Act! instance of SQL may be used with caution.
    2. Specify SQL Server administrators
    3. If in Domain environment we recommend adding Domain Administrators
    4. Authentication Mode
    5. Mixed Mode
    6. Make SA enabled
    7. Create sa password and keep for your records
  2. Compatible MS SQL Versions
    1. SQL 2016
    2. SQL 2014
    3. SQL 2012
    4. SQL 2008
  3. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  4. SQL Security - User Logins
    1. Windows Login Options (use either type)
      1. Type: Windows User
      2. Type: Windows Group
64 Bit Operating Systems
  1. Create MS SQL Server or MS SQL Express 64 bit instance
    1. Act! instance of SQL may be used with caution.
    2. Specify SQL Server administrators
    3. If in Domain environment we recommend adding Domain Administrators
    4. Authentication Mode
    5. Mixed Mode
    6. Make SA enabled
    7. Create sa password and keep for your records
  2. Compatible MS SQL Versions
    1. SQL 2016
    2. SQL 2014
    3. SQL 2012
    4. SQL 2008
  3. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  4. SQL Security - User Logins
    1. Windows Login Options (use either type)
      1. Type: Windows User
      2. Type: Windows Group

    QuickBooks application uses 32 bit ODBC provider, therefore DataPlus will install a 64 bit driver.
  1. Version: QuickBooks 2013 or higher
  2. QuickBooks installed (Pro, Premium or Enterprise) Note: DataPlus for QuickBooks 4.0 and it's SQL instance must be installed where QuickBooks application is installed.
  3. Company file location. Path and company file name.
  4. To find location from within QuickBooks tap the F2 key (or use CTRL + 1). A screen will pop up that shows information about your QuickBooks data file, and among that will be a box that shows the location of your file.
Act! Premium
  1. Version: Act Premium v16 or higher
  2. Act Premium installed
What you need for installation?
  • DataPlus for QuickBooks installer (DataPlus-QB-Install.exe)
  • Act! database for QuickBooks
    • Hogan Data provides a Act! database with the purchase of DataPlus for QuickBooks Application
    • Or you can use your existing database
    • There will be new fields created & will have to be added to layout
    • Review Act! Act! Database Configuration
  • Act! Administrator username and password
  • Window's Administrator or Window's Domain Administrator username and password
Network Environment
Scenario 1
Option 1
    QB installed on Server 1
  1. Install DataPlus for QuickBooks
  2. - Integration Components
    - - Database Components
    - - - QuickBooks Remote
    Act! installed on Server 2
  1. Install SQL Instance
  2. - Mixed mode
    - Security: add Domain Admins
    - Note: Act SQL can be used instead
  3. Install SQL Management Studio
  4. Install DataPlus for QuickBooks
  5. - Client Components
    - - DataPlus Client
    - - dpQuickBooks Component
    - Server Components
    - - Act! Import
    - - QuickBooks Harvester
    - Database Components
    - - Master Database
    - - QuickBooks Database 4.0
Option 2
    QB installed on Server 1
  1. Install SQL Instance
  2. - Mixed mode mode
    - Security: add Domain Admins
  3. Install SQL Instance
  4. - Mixed Mode
    - Security: add Domain Admins
  5. Install DataPlus for QuickBooks
    - Server Components
    - - Database Components
    - - - Master Database
    - - - QuickBooks Database
    - - - - Optional Modules
    Act! installed on Server 2
  1. Install SQL Management Studio
  2. Install DataPlus for QuickBooks
  3. - Client Components
    - - DataPlus Client
    - - QuickBooks Client
    - Server Components
    - - Act! Import
Scenario 2
    QB installed on Server 1
    Act! installed on Server 1
    SQL Option 1
  1. Install SQL Instance
  2. - Mixed mode mode
    - Security: add Domain Admins
    SQL Option 2
  3. Act instance of SQL may be used
  4. Install SQL Management Studio
  5. Install DataPlus for QuickBooks (Server/Client)
Scenario 3
Option 1
    QB installed on Server 1
  1. Install DataPlus for QuickBooks
  2. - Integration Components
    - - Database Components
    - - - QuickBooks Remote
    Act! installed on Server 2
  1. Install SQL Instance
  2. - Mixed mode
    - Security: add Domain Admins
    - Note: Act SQL can be used instead
  3. Install SQL Management Studio
  4. Install DataPlus for QuickBooks
  5. - Client Components
    - - DataPlus Client
    - - dpQuickBooks Component
    - Server Components
    - - Act! Import
    - - QuickBooks Harvester
    - Database Components
    - - Master Database
    - - QuickBooks Database 4.0
Option 2
    QB installed on Server 1
  1. Install SQL Instance
  2. - Mixed mode mode
    - Security: add Domain Admins
  3. Install SQL Instance
  4. - Mixed Mode
    - Security: add Domain Admins
  5. Install DataPlus for QuickBooks
    - Server Components
    - - Database Components
    - - - Master Database
    - - - QuickBooks Database
    - - - - Optional Modules
    Act! installed on Client 1
  1. Install SQL Management Studio
  2. Install DataPlus for QuickBooks
  3. - Client Components
    - - DataPlus Client
    - - QuickBooks Client
    - Server Components
    - - Act! Import
Scenario 4
    QB installed on Client 1
    Act! installed on Client 1
    SQL Option 1
  1. Install SQL Instance
  2. - Mixed mode mode
    - Security: add Domain Admins
    SQL Option 2
  3. Act instance of SQL may be used
  4. Install SQL Management Studio
  5. Install DataPlus for QuickBooks (Server/Client)
DataPlus for QuickBooks - Server Installation
DataPlus Setup
    User Account Control
  1. Right click 'DataPlus-QB-Install.exe' and choose "Run as administrator"
  2. Depending on your network configuration the "User Account Control" dialog box may load.
  3. Click on Yes
DataPlus Setup
    Welcome Screen
  1. Click on Next >
DataPlus Setup
    License Agreement
  1. License Agreement
  2. If you agree, check "I accept the terms in the license agreement"
  3. Click on Next >
DataPlus Setup
    Server Components
  1. If you are going to install just the server component, check "Server Components"
  2. Check "Database Components"
  3. Note: The following will create a DataPlus SQL database in SQL instance
  4. Click on Next >

DataPlus Setup
    Server/Client Components
  1. If you are going to install server and client components, check "Client Components", check "Server Components" and check "Database Components"
  2. Note: The following will create a DataPlus SQL database in SQL instance
  3. Click on Next >

DataPlus Setup
    Choose Install Location
  1. Choose the folder in which to install DataPlus
  2. Note: Act integration requires using the Act Plugins folder. We recommend leaving the default path.
  3. Click on Install
DataPlus Setup
DataPlus Setup
    Server Credentials
    Server Settings
  1. SQL Server Name: Server\SQLInstanceName
  2. Database Name: dpQuickBooks
  3. Credential Settings Windows Authentication
  4. User: sa or other user you setup
  5. Password: password
  6. Integrated Security
  7. Check Integrated Security
  8. Click on Next >
DataPlus Database Setup
    Perform Installation
  1. Click on Yes
DataPlus Database Setup
    Create Database
  1. Click on Yes
DataPlus Database Setup
  1. Installation Complete
  2. Click on Finish
QuickBooks Setup
    Master Credentials
    Server Settings
  1. SQL Server Name: Server\SQLInstanceName
  2. Database Name: dpQuickBooks
  3. Note: This is the database name you originally created. Installer will add additional components. Choose Integrated Security or uncheck for SQL credentials
    Credential Settings
    Windows Authentication
  4. User: sa or other user you setup
  5. Password: password
  6. Integrated Security
  7. Check Integrated Security
  8. Click on Next >
QuickBooks Setup
    dpQuickBooks Credentials
    dpQuickBooks Settings
  1. SQL Server Name: Server\SQLInstanceName
  2. Database Name: dpQuickBooks
  3. Note: This is the database name you originally created. Installer will add additional components. Choose Integrated Security or uncheck for SQL credentials
    Note: To find location from within QuickBooks tap the F2 key (or use CTRL + 1). A screen will pop up that shows information about your QuickBooks data file, and among that will be a box that shows the path and company file name.
    Credential Settings
    Windows Authentication
  4. User: sa or other user you setup
  5. Password: password
  6. Integrated Security
  7. Check for Integrated Security

  8. QuickBooks Settings
  9. QuickBooks Server: ServerName
  10. Company File Name: E:\QuickBooks\sample_product-based business.qbw
  11. Note: This is the path and file name for your QuickBooks company.
  12. Click on Next >
DataPlus Setup
    Installation Progress
  1. Click Finish
DataPlus Setup
    Installation Complete
  1. Click Next >
DataPlus Setup
    Server Configuration
  1. Check Run Server Configuration
  2. Note: If you chose Server & Client components, then both configurations will be available
    Server/Client Configuration
  3. Check Run Client Configuration
  4. Check Run Server Configuration
  5. Click on Finish

Client Configuration Manager
    Master Connection Settings
    Database Configuration
  1. DataPlus Server: ServerName\SqlInstance
  2. DataPlus Database: dpQuickBooks

  3. Windows Authentication
  4. SQL User: sa
  5. SQL Password: password

  6. Integrated Security
  7. Check for Integrated Security

  8. Testing Connection
  9. Test Connection
  10. Click on OK

  11. Application Settings
  12. Report Path: DataPlus\Reports (reserved for future)
  13. Logging Options:
  14. unCheck Log Warnings
  15. unCheck Log Notices
  16. unCheck Log Debugs
  17. Click on Save
  18. Click on Configure Applications >>
Client Configuration Manager
    Master Connection Settings Application Profiles
  1. Click on QB

  2. Application Settings
    Act Credentials
  3. Database; ActDatabaseName click on [...] to browse to database
  4. User Name: ActUserName must be an Act! administrator
  5. Password: ActPassword
  6. Confirm: ActPassword
  7. Test Connection
  8. Click on OK

  9. Database Configuration
  10. Database: dpQuickBooks DataPlus database name
  11. Server: ServerName\Instance SQL Instance if applicable
  12. SQL User: sa
  13. SQL Password: password
  14. Check if you want integrated security
  15. Test Connection
  16. Click on OK
  17. Click on Update
Server Configuration Manager
    Master Connection Settings Application Profiles
    Application Profiles
  1. Click on QBR

  2. Application Settings
    Act Credentials
  3. Database; ActDatabaseName click on [...] to browse to database
  4. User Name: ActUserName must be an Act! administrator
  5. Password: ActPassword
  6. Confirm: ActPassword
  7. Test Connection
  8. Click on OK

  9. Database Configuration
  10. Database: dpQuickBooks DataPlus database name
  11. Server: ServerName\Instance SQL Instance if applicable
  12. SQL User: sa
  13. SQL Password: password
  14. Check if you want integrated security
  15. Test Connection
  16. Click on OK

  17. Application Specific Settings
  18. Company (QuickBooks Company)
  19. Server (Where QuickBooks is installed)
  20. Click on Update
  21. Click on Close
QuickBooks Remote
Start QuickBooks Remote
  1. Open QuickBooks Company with Administrator user
  2. Ensure QuickBooks is in "Single-user Mode"
  3. Click on Start/All Programs/Hogan Data/dpQuickBooks/QuickBooks Remote
  4. QuickBooks Remote Started
QuickBooks Harvester
Start QuickBooks Harvester
  1. Click on Start/All Programs/Hogan Data/dpQuickBooks/QuickBooks Harvester
  2. Processing Options
  3. unCheck Skip Date Check
  4. unCheck Sync Mode
  5. Enter 30 Timeout (seconds)
  6. unCheck Allow Table Creation
  7. Environment Configuration
  8. unCheck Details Logging
  9. unCheck Lob Debugs
  10. unCheck Suppress Warnings
  11. Connection Overides
  12. Remote Server Leave blank
  13. Remote Port Leave blank
  14. Company File Leave blank
  15. Entity Selection
  16. Choose All Entities
  17. This will sync all QuickBooks entities to your SQL database.
    Note: The process could take a lot of time depending on amount of data in QuickBooks. We recommend just running "Ad Hoc Entities" "Customer" only and then later running the full harvest and specific items to harvest as addressed in next step.
  18. Choose Ad Hoc Entities
  19. This will sync only chosen QuickBooks entities to your SQL database
    Note: There are specific DataPlus menu items that are dependent on each entity. Therefore information relating with unchecked entities will not display data.
    Command Line
  20. Options Leave blank
  21. Note: Command line is an "Advanced" setting that will enable you to Harvest specific entities utlizing BAT files and Microsft Scheduler.
  22. Click on Start Harvest
  23. Are you sure you want to start the harvest now? Yes
Note: More information on configuration of Harvester can be found here
Start QuickBooks Harvester
    Ready To Harvest
  1. Connecting to QuickBooks
Note: After clicking on Start Harvest, QuickBooks will launch application to allow connection.
Start QuickBooks Harvester
    QB Application With No Certificate
  1. Click on Yes, always; allow even if QuickBooks is not running
  2. Click on Continue...
Start QuickBooks Harvester
    QB Certificate Confirm to Proceed
  1. Click on Yes
Start QuickBooks Harvester
    QB Certificate Access Confirmation
  1. Click on Done
  2. Click on OK
Start QuickBooks Harvester
    Harvester Processing
Start QuickBooks Harvester
    Harvester Summary
    Note: When completed any warnings or errors will be displayed. If you get a warning or error you can double click the message for full revew.
  1. Choose Close & Review If you have any warning or errors that you would like to review.
  2. Choose Close
  3. Your QuickBooks data has been synced with DataPlus SQL database.
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