Software Knowledge Base
PROGRAM: DataPlus for Sage 50 CA Accounting - Server Installation

Table of Contents
What you need prior to installation?
32 Bit OS Operating Systems
  1. Create MS SQL Server or MS SQL Express 32 bit instance
    1. The Act! instance of SQL can be used.
    2. Specify SQL Server administrators
    3. If in Domain environment we recommend adding Domain Administrators
    4. Authentication Mode
    5. Mixed Mode
    6. Make SA enabled
    7. Create sa password and keep for your records
  2. Compatible MS SQL Versions
    1. SQL 2016
    2. SQL 2014
    3. SQL 2012
    4. SQL 2008
  3. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  4. SQL Security - User Logins
    1. Windows Login Options (use either type)
      1. Type: Windows User
      2. Type: Windows Group
64 Bit Operating Systems
  1. Create MS SQL Server or MS SQL Express 64 bit instance
    1. The Act! instance of SQL can be used.
    2. Specify SQL Server administrators
    3. If in Domain environment we recommend adding Domain Administrators
    4. Authentication Mode
    5. Mixed Mode
    6. Make SA enabled
    7. Create sa password and keep for your records
  2. Compatible MS SQL Versions
    1. SQL 2016
    2. SQL 2014
    3. SQL 2012
    4. SQL 2008
  3. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
  4. SQL Security - User Logins
    1. Windows Login Options (use either type)
      1. Type: Windows User
      2. Type: Windows Group
Sage 50 application uses 32 bit ODBC provider, therefore DataPlus will install a 64 bit driver.
Sage 50 CA Accounting
  1. Sage 50 installed
  2. Sage 50 CA Accounting administrator User Name and Password
  3. Two Users for DataPlus
    1. 1 for DataPlus Bridge
    2. 1 for DataPlus Push
  4. Sage 50 CA Accounting administrator Rights With Third-Party Products/Read/write
  5. Sage 50 CA Accounting Multi-User Mode
  6. Integrated Sage Company can only be 27 characters long including extention
  7. Path and Sage Database name for integrated Sage Company. In Sage from toolbar, File/Properties: Company File & Location
User passwords cannot exceed 7 characters.
Sage 50 CA User Scenerios
Scenario 1
3 Sage 50 Users
  • ODBC User: bridge
  • Linkserver User: bridge
  • DataPlus Sage 50 Configuration User: push
  • Sage 50 Login: sysadmin
Scenario 2
2 Sage 50 Users
  • ODBC User: bridge
  • Linkserver User: sysadmin
  • DataPlus Sage 50 Configuration User: bridge
  • Sage 50 Login: sysadmin

Sage 50 application uses 32 bit ODBC provider, therefore DataPlus will install a 64 bit driver.
"bridge" and "push" are sample user names with full permission to Sage 50

Scenarios can be tested in your environment after installation.

What you need for installation?
  • DataPlus for Sage 50 CA Accounting installer (DataPlus-S100CA-Install.exe)
  • Act Premium Version 16 +
  • Act! database for Sage 50 CA Accounting
    • Hogan Data provides a Act! database with the purchase of DataPlus for Sage 50 CA Application
    • Or you can use your existing database
      There will be new fields created & will have to be added to layout
    • Review Act! Act! Database Configuration
  • Act! Administrator username and password
  • Sage 50 CA Accounting open
Network Environment
Scenario 1
Sage installed on Server 1
  • Install SQL Instance
    • Mixed Mode
    • Security: add Domain Admins
Act! installed on Server 2
  • Install SQL Management Studio
  • Install DataPlus for Sage 50 CA (Server/Client)
Scenario 2
Sage installed on Server 1
Act! installed on Server 1
  • Install SQL Instance
    • Mixed Mode
    • Security: add Domain Admins
  • Install SQL Management Studio
  • Install DataPlus for Sage 50 CA (Server/Client)
Scenario 3
Sage installed on Server 1
  • Install SQL Instance
    • Mixed Mode
    • Security: add Domain Admins
    • Install SQL Management Studio (either on server, client or both)
    • Install DataPlus for Sage 50 CA (Server/Bridge)
Act! installed on Client 1
  • Install SQL Management Studio (either on server, client or both)
  • Install DataPlus for Sage 50 CA (Server/Client)
Scenario 4
Sage installed on Client 1
Act! installed on Client 1
  • Install SQL Instance
    • Mixed Mode
    • Security: add Domain Admins
  • Install SQL Management Studio
  • Install DataPlus for Sage 50 CA (Server/Client)
Server Installation
DataPlus Setup
  1. Open Sage 50 CA
  2. Mark Open data in multi-user mode
  3. Welcome Screen
  4. Right click DataPlus-S100CA-Install.exe and "Run as administrator
  5. This will start the DataPlus 4.0 setup wizard.
  6. Click on Next >
DataPlus Setup
    License Agreement
  1. License Agreement
  2. If you agree, check "I accept the terms in the license agreement"
  3. Click on Next >
DataPlus Setup
    Server Components
  1. If you are going to install just the server component, check "Server Components"
  2. Check Sage 50 CA - English
  3. OR
  4. Check Sage 50 CA - French
  5. Click on Next >

DataPlus Setup
    Server/Client Components
  1. If you are going to install server and client component, check "Server Components" and "Client Components"
  2. Check Sage 50 CA - English
  3. OR
  4. Check Sage 50 CA - French
  5. Click on Next >
DataPlus Setup
    Choose Install Location
  1. Click on Install
DataPlus Setup
  1. Click on Install
DataPlus Setup
    Bridge Setup Wizard
  1. Click on Next >
DataPlus Setup
    Bridge Setup Folder
  1. Click on Next >
DataPlus Setup
    Bridge Setup Version
  1. Click on Sage50 - v#
  2. Sage 50 CA has associated SDK with each version. If your version is not listed, install the year version. After installation you will need to manually download and modify SDK version.
  3. Click on Next >
DataPlus Setup
    Bridge Installation Version
  1. Click on Next >
DataPlus Setup
    Bridge Installing
DataPlus Setup
    Bridge Installation Complete
  1. Click on Close
DataPlus Setup
DataPlus Setup
    Server Credentials
    Server Settings
  1. SQL Server Name: Server\SQLInstanceName
  2. Database Name: dpSage50
  3. Credential Settings Windows Authentication
  4. User: sa or other user you setup
  5. Password: password
  6. Integrated Security
  7. CHECK for Integrated Security
  8. Click on Next >
DataPlus Database Setup
    Perform Installation
  1. Click on Yes
DataPlus Database Setup
    Create Database
  1. Click on Yes
DataPlus Database Setup
    Create Database Finish
  1. Database created
  2. Click on Finish
Server Credentials
    Sage 50 CA Settings
  1. Internal Name Sage 50
  2. Sage 50 Server: YourServerName
  3. Company File: Path and name of Sage50 Company file. - In Sage 50 File/Properties
  4. User: Sage50User
  5. Password: Sage50UserPassword
  6. MySQL Driver MySQL odbc 5.1 Driver
    DataPlus Server Settings
  7. SQL Server Name: Server\SQLInstanceName
  8. Database Name: dpSage50
  9. User: SQLUserName
  10. Password: SQLUserPassword
  11. Click on Next >
DataPlus Database Setup
    Modify Database
  1. Notice informing you of installation.
  2. Click on Yes
DataPlus Database Setup
    Installer Notice
  1. Notice to open Sage 50 Company
    1. Is your Sage 50 program open to your current company database?
    2. Are you in 'multi-user mode'?
  2. Click on Yes
DataPlus Database Setup
    Installation Finished
  1. Click on Finish
DataPlus Database Setup
    Installation Complete
  1. Click Next >
DataPlus Database Setup
    Run Server Configuration
  1. CHECK to run Server Configuration
  2. Click on Finish
DataPlus Database Setup
    Run Server/Client Configuration
  1. CHECK to run Server Configuration
  2. CHECK to run Client Configuration
  3. Click on Finish
Client Configuration Manager
    Master Connection Settings Database Configuration
  1. DataPlus Server: ServerName
  2. DataPlus Database: DataBaseName
  3. Windows Authentication
  4. User: sa or other user you setup
  5. Password: password
  6. Integrated Security
  7. CHECK for Integrated Security
  8. Test Connection
  9. Click on Test Connection
  10. Click on OK
  11. Application Settings
  12. Report Path: unc Path to CR Reports
  13. Logging Options:
  14. unCHECK Log Warnings
  15. unCHECK Log Notices
  16. unCHECK Log Debugs
  17. Click on Save
  18. Click on Close
Server Configuration Manager
    Master Connection Settings
    Database Configuration
  1. DataPlus Server: ServerName
  2. DataPlus Database: DataBaseName
  3. Windows Authentication
  4. SQL User: sa
  5. SQL Password: password
  6. Integrated Security
  7. CHECK for Integrated Security
  8. Testing Connection
  9. Test Connection
  10. Click on OK
  11. Application Settings
  12. Report Path: unc Path to CR Reports
  13. Logging Options:
  14. unCHECK Log Warnings
  15. unCHECK Log Notices
  16. unCHECK Log Debugs
  17. Click on Save
  18. Click on Configure Applications >>
Server Configuration Manager
    Application Profiles
  1. Click on S50
  2. Application Settings
    ACT Credentials
  3. Database; ActDatabaseName click on [..] to browse to database
  4. User Name: ActUserName must be an ACT! administrator
  5. Password: ActPassword
  6. Confirm: ActPassword
  7. Test Connection
  8. Click on OK
  9. Database Configuration
  10. Database: dpS50 DataPlus database name
  11. Server: ServerName\Instance SQL Instance if applicable
  12. SQL User: sa
  13. SQL Password: password
  14. Check if you want integrated security
  15. Test Connection
  16. Click on OK
  17. Click on Update
  18. Click on OK
  19. Click on Close
DataPlus ACT! Manual Import - Employees Only
Server Configuration Manager
    Manual Import
  1. Open ACT!
  2. Click OK
  3. Note: DataPlus menus have not been configured. We will address this later in KB.
Server Configuration Manager
    Manual Import
  1. Tools/DataPlus 4.0/Manual Import

If you are using your own custom Act! database, the custom fields should be created.

In the Act Import process, DataPlus can create the custom fields.

Server Configuration Manager
    Manual Import
  1. Click on S50
  2. Click on Browse
Server Configuration Manager
    Manual Import
    Employee Only Import
  1. Check Enable Database Locking
  2. Check Only Run Selected Items
  3. Check S50: (500) Employee
  4. Check S50: (501) Employee Header
  5. Click on Okay

The purpose of importing employees only is to establish your connection to "Act Users"

Server Configuration Manager
    Manual Import
    Employee Only Import
  1. Click on Import Selected
Server Configuration Manager
    Manual Import
    Employee Only Import
    Import Complete
  1. Click on Close
  2. or ...
  3. Click on Close & Review
  4. Create Users in ACT! from Employees
  5. In ACT
  6. Tools/Manage Users...
  7. Create New User
  8. Create User from Contact - Create a new User from an existing Contact.
  9. Create users using the imported Employees

DataPlus ACT! Manual Import - Preferred Entities
Server Configuration Manager
    Manual Import All
  1. ReRun DataPlus Manual Import
  2. Check Enable Database Locking
  3. Use your default configuration
Server Configuration Manager
    Manual Import All
  1. Click on Close
  2. DataPlus Import
  3. Click on Close
  4. or ...
  5. Click on Close & Review

DataPlus ACT! User Configuration
DataPlus Menu
  1. Open Act!
  2. No Menu Found
  3. DataPlus 4.0 Warning
  4. Click OK
DataPlus menus have not been configured. When DataPlus is configured in the following steps, this message will be disabled.
DataPlus Menu
    Manage Permissions
  1. Act Menu
  2. Tools/DataPlus 4.0/Manage Permission
DataPlus menus have not been configured. When DataPlus is configured in the following steps, this message will be disabled.
DataPlus Menu
    Manage Permissions
    Current Connections
  1. Click Sage 50 CA

  2. Permissions
  3. Click View Permissions Tab
  4. Check box for each "View Name" that will be accessed by "ACT! User"
  5. You can double click the header to check or uncheck all
DataPlus Menu
    Manage Permissions
  1. Click Misc Permissions Tab
  2. Check View - enable views in ACT! DataPlus tab (overrides View Permissions)
  3. Check Export - export view to excel
  4. Check S50 Contact Push - Create Customer/Vendor/Employee
  5. - Edit Customer/Vendor
  6. Check S50 CONT Push - enables creating Contracts
  7. Check S50 EST Push - enables creating Estimates
  8. Check S50 INV Push - enables creating Invoices
  9. Check S50 SO Push - enables creating Sales Orders
  10. You can double click header or row to check or uncheck all
DataPlus Menu
    Sales Representative
  1. Click Sales Representative Tab
  2. Check Box for each sales representative for view permissions
  3. You can double click the header or row to check or uncheck all
  4. Click Save
  5. Click Close
  6. Click Yes
  7. Click OK
  • Most views have the "Sales Representative" from Sage 50 CA Accounting listed. Each Sales Representative will only be able to see view where they are the Sales Representative.
  • You can also enable Sales Representative to see other Sales Representative information. Example, sales manager may need to view each Sales Representative's views on their team.
  • DataPlus Tab should be available for each DataPlus Client after "DataPlus Client Install".
DataPlus Push Configuration
Push Configuration
    Determine Company Properties
  1. In Sage 50 CA
  2. Menu Bar
  3. Choose File
  4. Choose Properties
    1. Company File
    2. Location
Push Configuration
  1. Open Act
  2. Menu Bar
  3. Choose Tools
  4. Choose Sage 50
  5. Choose Confibure Sage 50 Push
Push Configuration
    This information is generated from the installation process. Verify your information.
    Company Settings
  1. Company File: drive:\path\company name
  2. User: User name
    Based on "Sage User Scenerio" you may have to change this user to a 2nd dedicated user for DataPlus.
  3. Password: password (7 characters max)
  4. Check Multi-user Mode
  5. Server
  6. Remote Server:ServerName
  7. Click on Test Connection
  8. Click on Ok
  9. Custom MySQL Driver: MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver (Default)
  10. Click on Employee Mapping Tab

IMPORTANT: If "Test Connection" fails

Push Configuration
    Employee Mapping
    Employee Field Mapping
  1. Check Employee Push Enable
  2. You should not have to make any changes below.
  3. Employee Number: Employee Number Default
  4. Name: Contact * Required
  5. Birth Date: Birth Date * Required
  6. Street 1: Home Address 1 * Required
  7. Street 2: Home Address 2
  8. City: Home City * Required
  9. Province Home Province * Required
  10. Postal Code: Home Postal Code * Required
  11. Phone 1: Home Phone
  12. Phone 2: Alternate Phone
  13. Employee in USA: Home Country
  14. Sage ID: eEmployeeID Default
  15. Inactive: InActive
  16. Hire Date: Emp Date Hired
  17. SIN / SSN: Emp SSN
  18. Pay Periods: Emp Pay Periods * Required
  19. Tax Table: Emp Tax Table * Required
  20. State Allowance: Emp State Allowance
  21. State Status: Emp State Status
  22. Federal Allowances: Emp Federal Allowances
  23. Federal Status: Emp Federal Status
  24. Dependent Allowances: Emp Dependent Allowances
  25. Click on Vendor Mapping Tab
Push Configuration
    Vendor Mapping
    Vendor Field Mapping
  1. Check Vendor Push Enable
  2. You should not have to make any changes below.

  3. Vendor Number: Vendor Number Default
  4. Name: Company * Required
  5. Name: Contact * Required
  6. Street 1: Address 1 * Required
  7. Street 2: Address 2
  8. City: City * Required
  9. Province Province * Required
  10. Postal Code: Postal Code * Required
  11. Vendor in USA: Country
  12. Sage ID: eVendorID Default
  13. Inactive: InActive
  14. Email: E-mail
  15. Fax: Fax Phone
  16. Phone 1: Phone * Required
  17. Phone 2: Alternate Phone
  18. Currency Code: Currency Code
  19. Tax Id: Tax Id
  20. Web Site: Web Site
  21. Click on Customer Mapping Tab
Push Configuration
    Customer Mapping
    Customer Field Mapping
  1. Check Customer Push Enable
  2. You should not have to make any changes below.
  3. Customer Number: Customer Number Default
  4. Name: Company * Required
  5. Name: Contact * Required
  6. Street 1: Address 1 * Required
  7. Street 2: Address 2
  8. City: City * Required
  9. Province Province * Required
  10. Postal Code: Postal Code * Required
  11. Customer in USA: Country
  12. Sage ID: eCustomerID Default
  13. Inactive: InActive
  14. Email: E-mail
  15. Fax: Fax Phone
  16. Phone 1: Phone * Required
  17. Phone 2: Alternate Phone
  18. Currency Code: Currency Code
  19. Tax Id: Tax Id
  20. Web Site: Web Site
  21. Click on Naming Convention Tab
Sage 50 Connection Settings
    Sage 50 Connection Settings
    Determine your Sage Company Type
    Industry Type
  1. In Sage
  2. Menu Bar
  3. Setup
  4. Settings ...
  5. Expand Company
  6. Choose Information
  7. Industry Type: IndustryType
Sage 50 Connection Settings
    Naming Convention
  1. Industry IndustryType Choose your company industry type.
    1. Accommodation
    2. Agriculture
    3. Construction/Contractor
    4. Education Service
    5. Entertainment
    6. Food and Beverage
    7. Manufacturing/Industrial
    8. Medical/Dental
    9. Non-Profit
    10. Other
    11. Personal Service
    12. Professional Service
    13. REal Estate/Property
    14. Retail
    15. Service
    16. Transportation
  2. Transaction Types
    Based on the Industry type you choose, the type of transactions will be chosen.
    1. Estimate
    2. Contracts
    3. Invoices
    Type of transaction will change based on "Industry Type
  3. Click on Save
  4. Click on Ok
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