Knowledge Base
PROGRAM: DataPlus for Sage 50 CA Accounting - Messages or Errors

Table of Contents
DataPlus Installation
    DataPlus 4.0 Error
    The following error has occurred: Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL: for linked server "S50-Universl".
  1. The user name and or password was entered in incorrect in "MySQL Connection/ODBC Data Source Configuration.
Configure Data Source
    ODBC Data Source
  1. Click on System DSN tab
Configure Data Source
    ODBC Data Source
  1. Click on Source Name S^_Universl
  2. Click on Configure
Configure Data Source
    ODBC Data Source
  1. Modify User: sagecompanycode
  2. Modify Password: sagepassword
  3. Click on Test
  4. Click on OK
Configure Data Source
    ODBC Data Source
  1. Click on OK
    Unable to update database. Reason given: Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL.1' for linked server "Sage50". ODE DB provider "MSDASQL.1: for linked server "Sage50" returned message "[MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver]Unknown MySQL server host "SERVERNAME' (2)".
    Installation of Sage Database
  1. The "Sage 50 Server" name is incorrect
  2. Click on OK
  3. Click on
    Unable to update database. Reason given: Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL.1' for linked server "Sage50". ODE DB provider "MSDASQL.1: for linked server "Sage50" returned message "[MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver]Unknown MySQL server host "SERVERNAME' (2)".
    Installation of Sage Database
  1. The "Sage 50 Server" name is incorrect
  2. Click on OK
  3. Click on Previous
  4. Correct "Sage 50 Server"
    Unable to update database. Reason given: Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL.1" for linked server "Sage50:.
    OLE DB provider "MSDASQL.1" fo rlinked server "Sage50: returned message "[MYSQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver]Access denied for user 'sysadmin' @ 'SERVERNAME\SQLINSTANCE' (using password: YES)"
    Installation of Sage Database
  1. ODBC username or password is incorrect
  2. ODBC password has more than 7 characters
  3. Click on OK
  4. Click on Previous
  5. Correct username and/or password in Sage and ODBC System DSN
Configure Sage 50 Push
Act! Notice
    Sage connection failed. Unable to open the company file.
  1. 1. User name or password is incorrect in
  2. 2. HoganData Sage50CA Bridge
DataPlus Push Configuration
Act Notice
    Sage connection failed. The user name and password are incorrect. Please enter a valid user name and password.
  1. In Act goto Tools/Sage50/Configure Sage 50 Push
    • Connection Tab
    • Company Settings
    • Correct User
    • Correct Password
Act Error
    The following error has occurred: Failed pushing Customer. Err
  1. In Act goto Tools/Sage50/Configure Sage 50 Push
    • Test Connection
    • If it fails, restart the service "Hogan Data Sage50 Bridge"
Act Notice
    Sage connection failed. Unable to connect to Sage50 database. The company file cannot be opened because it's version (##.#.#.#) is not compatible with the application (##.#.#.#).
  1. Your Sage 50 CA SDK version is not compatible with the DataPlus 4.0 SDK version
    • Update your SDK version
    • Click here for SDK update and instruction
Act Notice
    Sage connection failed. Unable to connect to Sage50 database. Other users are currently working with this company. You may open the company in multi-user mode or wait for the other users to stop using the company and try again. Cannot open company file '{0}'. the file is currently used by another application.
  1. In Sage 50 CA Switch to Single-user Mode
Act Notice
    Sage connection failed. Error communicating with Sage50. There was no endpoint listening at http://yourservername: 8000/Sage50Bridge/proxy.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. Dee InnerException, if present, for more details.
  1. Ensure that the "Hogan Data Sage50CA Bridge" windows service is started.
Act Notice
    Sage connection failed. Unable to connect to Sage50 database. Other users are currently working with this company. You may open the company in multi-user mode or wait for the other users to stop using the comopany and try again.. Cannot open company file 'E:\Sage\Universl.SAI'. The file is currently used by another application.
    From within Act/Sage50/Configure Sage 50 Push, "Test Connection" in Sage 50 Connection Settings
  1. Sage 50 is open using single-user mode.
  2. Once Sage 50 is open using multi-user mode the test should pass.
Act Notice
    Sage connection failed. Unable to connect to Sage50 database. Someone else is already using the program under this name. Please use a different user name or try again later.
    From within Act/Sage50/Configure Sage 50 Push, "Test Connection" in Sage 50 Connection Settings
  1. The current user in Configuration is currently logged into Sage 50
  2. User can only be logged into Sage once.
Act Notice
    Sage connection failed. Method not found: 'Void SimplySDK.SDKInstance Manager.CloseDatabase()'.
    From within Act/Sage50/Configure Sage 50 Push, "Test Connection" in Sage 50 Connection Settings
  1. Under investigation
DataPlus Push
Act Error
    The following error has occurred: Failed pushing Customer. Unable to parse connection information. Reason Given: Connection Info was not properly populated.
  1. In Act goto Tools/Sage50/Configure Sage 50 Push
    • Connection Tab
    • Company Settings
    • Correct User
    • Correct Password
Act Error
    Push to Sage 50 Error
    The following error has occurred: eCustomerID is read-only field. It cannot be modified.
  1. By default the eCustomerID is read-only for all Act users except Act Administrators.
  2. You must change field permissions to allow other users to perform the push.
Act Error
    Push to Sage 50 Error
    The following error has occurred: Failed pushing Customer. Failed creating entity. You have entered a name that has been assigned to another Customer. You cannot have two Customers with the same name.
  1. This is a rule within Sage 50.

Sage 50 error message when trying to create company with duplicate name.

Act Error
    Push to Sage 50 Error
    The following error has occurred: Failed pushing Customer. Failed creating entity. You have entered a name that has been assigned to another Customer. You cannot have two Customers with the same name.
  1. This is a rule within Sage 50.

Sage 50 error message when trying to create company with duplicate name.

Act Error
    Push to Sage 50 Error
    The following error has occurred: Failed pushing Customer. Unable to connect to Sage50 database. Unable to open the company file.
  1. Update your SDK version for DataPlus
  2.  KB
Opening Act
DataPlus 4.0 Error
    DataPlus was unable to load.
    Error getting Master Setting: Could not find stored procedure 'dp3.spMasterSetting_Get'.
  1. Open DataPlus 4.0 Client Configuration
  2. Test Connection
  3. If test fails
    1. Verify DataPlus Server: Name
    2. Verify DataPlus Database: Name
    3. Verify SQL Security
  4. Test Connection
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