Create User from Contact - Create a new User from an existing Contact.
Create users using the imported Employees
DataPlus Act Auto Import Configuration
Auto Import Configuration
Open DataPlus 4.0 Server Configuration
Windows Start / Hogan Data / DataPlus 4.0 / DataPlus 4.0 Server Configuration
Auto Import ConfigurationServer Configuration
Click on Configure Applications >>
Auto Import ConfigurationServer Configuration ACT Import Settings
Import Options
Click on [...] to browse to options
Auto Import ConfigurationImport Options General Options
UnCheck Enable Database Locking
UnCheck Limited Notices
UnCheck Ignore Warnings
UnCheck Skip Date Check
UnCheck Exclude Sample Data
UnCheck Log Debug
UnCheck Import Inactive Opportunities
UnCheck Import Lost Opportunities
UnCheck Import Won Opportunities
Note: If importing opportunities is enabled, leaving option UnChecked for "Import Opportunities" will disable any changes to be made with "Closed" opportunities.
Set Server Timeout (minutes) (default = 2) (you can increase this as needed)Entity Options
UnCheck Disable creation of Act! Contacts
UnCheck Disable creation of Act! Companies
Note: Check "Disable creation of Act! Companies" if you do not want to import Companies in the "Company Level" in Act
UnCheck Disable creation of Act! Groups
UnCheck Only Import Primary Contacts
Note: Check "Only Import Primary Contacts" if you only want to import primary contacts
UnCheck If you are not using Limited Access in Act
Check If you are using Limited Access in Act
Select Users and Teams If you are using Act! Limited Access, you can choose:
Specific Act! Team(s)
Specific Act! User(s)
Post/Pre Processing
Pre-Process Exe: Leave blank
Arguments: Leave blank
Post-Process Exe:Leave blank
Arguments: Leave blank
If you are not using the Act! database provided by Hogan Data, for Sage 100, when the first import is performed, additional fields may be required. Therefore, uncheck "Disable Database Locking" in order for the additional fields to be created.
By default, if the "Sales Representative" in Sage 100 equals the Act User Name in Act, the Sales Represetative name will populate the "Sales Representative" field in Act, and will also be the Act "Record Manager". The names have to be an exact match.
Auto Import ConfigurationImport Selection
UnCheck Only Run Selected Items
Click Okay if you want to import all entities
Note: Leaving "Only Run Selected Items" UnCheck will allow all entities to import into Act. However, there are some additional specific parameters for some entities to import. ie Act Opportunities.
Check Only Run Selected Items
Note: Checking "Only Run Selected Items" will allow chosen entities to import into Act. However, there are some additional specific parameters for some entities to import. ie Act Opportunities.
Auto Import ConfigurationImport Selection
Check each entity you want to import into Act
Click all to choose all entities, then unCheck entities you do not want to import.
Check Box for each sales representative for view permissions
You can double click the header or row to check or uncheck all
Click Save
Click Close
Click Yes
Click OK
Most views have the "Sales Representative" from Sage 100 Accounting listed. Each Sales Representative will only be able to see view where they are the Sales Representative.
You can also enable Sales Representative to see other Sales Representative information. Example, sales manager may need to view each Sales Representative's views on their team.
DataPlus Tab should be available for each DataPlus Client after "DataPlus Client Install".