Unable to insert update database. Reason given: Unable to create or establish connection to linked server. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Reason 1
Allow External Access was not configured.
Open Company Maintenance in Sage 100
Check Allow External Access
Reason 2
ODBC Basic/Database Directory: Incorrect path to PROVIDEX.DDF
C:\Sage\Sage 100 Standard ERP\MAS90
C:\Sage\Sage 100 Advanced\MAS90
Check Allow External Access
Unable to insert update database. Reason given: Unable to create or establish connection to linked server. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Sage company code, user name and or password was entered in incorrect or has been changed and not updated.
Configure Data Source
Open ODBC 64 bit application
Click on System DSN tab
Configure Data Source
Click on Source Name [S100_ABC]
Click on Configure
Configure Data Source
Click on Login Tab
Modify Company code: sagecompanycode
Modify Default UserID: sageuserid
Modify Password: sagepassword
Click on Debug Tab
Configure Data Source
Click on Apply
Click on Test Connection
If successful click on OK
Configure Data SourceSQL Instance Restart
Restart SQL instance
NoticeUnable to insert update database. Reason given: Unable to create or establish connection to linked server. Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to comopletion of the operation or the server is not responding.
Click on OK
NoticeContinue Installation
Click on Next
Notice Unable to insert update database. Reason given: Invalid column name 'TaxAmt'.
Reason 1
Business Insights Module not Active
Open Sage 100
Modules / Library Master / Company Maintenance
Choose Company Code
Business Insights
Reason 2
Sage 100 Database has not been converted
Open Sage 100
Modules / Library Master / Company Maintenance
Choose Company Code
WARNING! Data entry files may be cleared. Back up your data before converting. The data will be converted to the newest version installed.
Continue DataPlus Installer
NoticeUnable to insert update database. Reason given: Cannot open the table "IT_Category" from OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server
NOTE: If this is your first install, you must set default view permissions and re-load DataPlus.
Activate Business Insights Module and Accept KB Line 163
NoticeUnable to create database objects. Reason given: spMenuConfigCreateNew : Must declare the scalar variable "@TableName".
Under investigation
NoticeUnable to insert update database. Reason given: Cannot open the table 'PR_21PayRateChgLog" from OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "S100_ABC". OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "S100_ABC" returned message "[ProvideX]ODBC driver][FILEIO] Table is not accessible"..
Payroll component attempted to install. Restart installation
DataPlus Configuration
Act! NoticeAction
Server/Client: DataPlus Configuration Manager
Click on Test Connection
DataPlus 4.0 Error Unable to get configuration from server.
The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or an illegal character amoung the padding characters.
Current user does not have permission to create DataPlus-Connection.xml file
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hogan Data\DataPlus 4.0
C:\Program Files (x86)\ACT\Act for Windows\Plugins\DataPlus 4.0
DataPlus Menus
DataPlus 4.0 Warning
No DataPlus menus were found. The DataPlus Tab will be disabled.
NOTE: If this is your first install, you must set default view permissions and re-load DataPlus.
DataPlus 4.0 Error
The following error has occurred: Product is not activated and trial has expired. All DataPlus features will be disabled. Please run activation and re-enable DataPlus.
NoticeSage 100 Configuration Notice Sage connection failed. There was no end point listening at http://w764-s100erp:8000/ Sage100Bridge/proxy.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerExcepton, if present, for more details.
Ensure that the service "Hogan Data Sage100 Bridge" is started
Ensure that the service "Hogan Data Sage100 Bridge" has rights to run
NoticeSage 100 Configuration Notice Sage connection failed. The hostname could not be parsed.
Ensure that the host server name is correct
Configure Sage 100 Push
Test Connection
Sage 100 Configuration Notice Sage connection failed. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Ensure that the service "Hogan Data Sage100 Bridge" has rights to run
Test service using local
Test service using local administrator
Test service using domain administrator
After testing the bridge, "Test Connection" to Sage. Depending on your network and permissions, the test can pass with in all 3 cases or just 1. In most cases "Local" should work. In some cases domain administrator must be used.
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error The following error has occured: Cannot open database "dpS100_MFG" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'HOGANDATA\administrator'.
Database dpS100_MFG has not been configured for integration with DataPlus
Note: "dpS100_MFG" is sample data. Your company id will replace "MFG".
Company Code is incorrect - validate code from your Sage 100 application and re-enter
Resolution 2
"Allow External Access" may not be enabled in Sage 100 "Company Maintenance" Preferences.
ErrorSage 100 Configuration Error The follow error has occured: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source
Configure Sage 100 Push
Reason Server Settings/Server Name is incorrect
Open Inbound port for SQL on server
ErrorSage 100 Configuration Error The follow error has occured: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source
Configure Sage 100 Push
User/Domain User - UAC Level 4
User/Domain User - UAC Level 3 (Administrator = 2)
User/Domain User - UAC Level 2 (When Admin = 2 Standard = 3)
User/Domain User - UAC Level 2 (When Admin = 1 Standard = no access)
Open Inbound port for SQL on server
ErrorSage 100 Configuration Error The follow error has occured: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source
Configure Sage 100 Push
Reason Server Settings/Server Name is incorrect
Open Inbound port for SQL on server
ErrorSage 100 Configuration Notice Sage connection failed. Could not load file or assembly 'newtonsoft.json,Version=,Culture=neutral, Publickey Token=30ad4febb2a6aeed' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file speified.
Configure Sage 100 Push
Reason DataPlus version is not correct
DataPlus Push Contacts
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error The following error has occurred: Something went wrong while populating information for Salesperson No.
Condition When pushing a customer from Act to Sage 100 the dropdown for "Salesperson No:" is empty.
"Customer No" field must be populated first and formatted properly. It's important that the correct division no is used.
"Contact No", if used, may not formatted properly.
"Salesperson No" contact field does not exist in Act
"Salesperson No" must be mapped between Act and Sage 100 (KB)
NoticePush to Sage 100 Notice Push settings are not configured for this company.
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error Failed pushing contact.
Failed pushing Customer. The request channel timed out while waiting for a reply after 00:00:59.9979999. Increase the timeout value passed to the call to Request or increase the SendTimeout value on the Binding. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion of a longer timeout.
Resolution 1
Restart SQL instance in "Services"
Resolution 2
Test your linkserver connection
In SSMS "New Query" and execute script EXECUTE SP_TABLES_EX 'S100_ABC'(replace ABC with your company code)
If it fails then this is the reason for the connection timeout
Recreate Linked Server
Resolution 3
Close all instances of Sage 100
Delete all *.LCK files from C:\Sage\Sage 100 Standard ERP\MAS90\LOCK\_ABC (replace ABC with your company code)
When you reopen Sage 100 the files will be recreated.
Resolution 4
Exclude Sage/Mas folder
Exclude file extensions also
Resolution 5
Stop SQL instance in "Services"
Replace the following Providex files in C:\Windows\System32
Restart SQL instance in "Services"
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error Failed pushing contact.
Failed pushing Customer. You are not authorized to access this program.
Ensure that all the Sage 100 modules have been converted in "Company Maintenance".
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error Failed pushing contact.
Failed pushing Customer. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Ensure that all the Sage 100 modules have been converted in "Company Maintenance".
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error Failed pushing contact.
Failed pushing Customer. Cannot proceed as the requested customer does not exist in system. Error #12: File does not exist (oralready exists) File: MPOABC.SOA
Customer No, Contact No, eCustomerID, eContactID fields in Act are populated.
When pushing to Sage 100 these fields indicate Customer exists
If customer does not exist in Sage 100 an error will occur
If you want to push the contact to "create" it in Sage, remove the data in eCustomerID and/or eContactID field in Act
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error Failed pushing contact.
Failed pushing Customer. Cannot proceed as the requested customer does not exist in system. Module A/L is not on file.
Module A/L is not active in Sage 100
NoticePush to Sage Contact You Cannot push this information to Sage.
Character string for Customer or Contact No is too long
Bridge Service is not running
ErrorPush to Sage Contact Failed pushing contact
Failed pushing Customer. Extension must consist of numbers only.
Phone number in Act must have numbers only
Phone extension in Act must have numbers only
DataPlus Push Transactions
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error The following error has occurred: Failed pushing Sales Order, Error #41: Invalid integer encountered (range error or non-integer) Error #41: Invalid integer encountered (range error or non-interger)
Customer No, Contact No, eCustomerID, eContactID fields in Act are populated.
When pushing to Sage 100 these fields indicate Customer exists
If customer does not exist in Sage 100 an error will occur
If you want to push the contact to "create" it in Sage, remove the data in eCustomerID and/or eContactID field in Act
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error The following error has occurred: Failed pushing Sales Order. There was no endpoint listening at http://w74-s100erp:8000/ Sage100Bridge/ proxy.svc that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException...
Hogan Data S100 ERP Bridge may not started
Start or restart the service and try again
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error The following error has occurred: Failed pushing Sales Order. Error saving information for sagefield "ItemCodeDesc"
Item Type is not allowed to push to Sage transaction
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error The following error has occurred: Failed pushing Sales Order. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Transaction permission fails due to proper permissions using the "Hogan Data S100 ERP Bridge"
Change service permission to local or domain administrator account
ErrorPush to Sage 100 Error The following error has occurred: Failed pushing Sales Order.
Under investigation
Under investigation
ProvideX ODBCOptions Time out message
Resolution 1
Prefix for data files: C:\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90\SY\, C:\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90\==\
Path to Views DLL: C:\Sage\v2019\MAS90\Home\
Check Dirty Read:
Check Burst mode:
UnCheck Key Restric:
UnCheck Silent mode:
UnCheck Enforce DOUBLE:
UnCheck NULL Date:
Check Strip trailing spaces:
Cache Size MB:4
ProvideX ODBCOptions Time out message
Resolution 2
Prefix for data files: C:\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90\SY\, C:\Sage\Sage 100 Standard\MAS90\==\